I have a c# windows form application.I have 2 charts in my windows form. i also have a combobox and two buttons among others. What i want is according to the text of the combobox, when i press the start button to load different graphs. So at button start event according to value of combobox i call a different function that loads the charts with what i want each time. And the second button , the stop button has the code below in order to clear the charts.
Sometimes my code runs ok but there are times that it throws the error " A chart element with the name 'kwh_price' already exists in the 'SeriesCollection'." My code for load the chart is:
string[] seriesArray = { "kwh_price", "p_cost" };
for (int i = 0; i < seriesArray.Length; i++)
this.chart1.Series[seriesArray[i]].BorderWidth = 7;
Am i doing something wrong??is there something more needed in order to clear the chart?? And i don't understand why sometimes it runs ok and others not.
Put the clear code in before the load code. That way you can be sure the data is cleared before adding new data.
string[] seriesArray = { "kwh_price", "p_cost" };
for (int i = 0; i < seriesArray.Length; i++)
this.chart1.Series[seriesArray[i]].BorderWidth = 7;