Most of you certainly use some kind of bugtracker. Maybe internally only, once a customer files a bug via email or phone you add a new ticket by yourself. Sometimes weekly project meetings can be great source of new tickets coming preferably in flavors of excel sheets that the PM on the other side of the table loves to maintain and chase after you.
The more advanced (and transparent) version: Allow the customer to file (and see the progress of) his bugs directly into you bugtracker. Systems like JIRA allow you to use profiles to have certain access rights, etc.
But now the question: The bug raised by a user not necessary translates into 1 bug in a specific module/method/EJB/class. The version of the (your) web application he uses does not translate into the version of the class that is causing the error. How you maintain the internal part of the ticket with all the nasty techy details and the same time the make-the-user-feel-good ticket (need more info, accepted, in progress,..) ? Creating 2 tickets for internal and external ? Link them ?
Any smart recipes to share ?
Separate your bug system from your customer support tracking system, and allow links between them.
Make queries like:
You will also notice that each database will have its own 'speed'. In my situation I have about 4 times more customer support calls than real bugs.