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SMS Interception in Jailbreak iOS 7

I have followed this answer Blocking incomming sms in ios 7. The problem is it blocks every message and its notification. Secondly it continuously call _processReceivedMessage_hooked method when I send message other then this number +923139303006.

I'm using OpenDev with Xcode 5, iOS 7.x.

#include <logos/logos.h>
#import <substrate.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#import "CoreTelephony.h"

id(*_processReceivedMessage_orig)(id, SEL, CTMessage*) = NULL;
id _processReceivedMessage_hooked(id self, SEL _cmd, CTMessage* msg);

@class IMDService; 
static void (*_logos_orig$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle)(IMDService*, SEL); static void _logos_method$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle(IMDService*, SEL); 

static void _logos_method$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle(IMDService* self, SEL _cmd) {

    _logos_orig$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle(self, _cmd);

    NSBundle *bundle =[NSBundle mainBundle];

     NSLog(@"bundle identifier %@ ***** ",[bundle bundleIdentifier]);

//    if ([[bundle bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@""] && [bundle isLoaded])
//    {  
        NSLog(@"Hoooking  ***** ");
//    }


id _processReceivedMessage_hooked(id self, SEL _cmd, CTMessage* msg)
    NSObject<CTMessageAddress>* phonenumber = [msg sender];
    NSString *senderNumber = (NSString*) [phonenumber canonicalFormat]; 

CTMessagePart *itmes = [[msg items] objectAtIndex:0];

NSString* msgtxt = [[NSString alloc] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

NSLog(@"message %@ ****",msgtxt);

    if ([senderNumber isEqualToString:@"+923139303006"])
        [[CTMessageCenter sharedMessageCenter] acknowledgeIncomingMessageWithId:[msg messageId]];
         return _processReceivedMessage_orig(self, _cmd, msg);


static __attribute__((constructor)) void _logosLocalInit() {
    Class _logos_class$_ungrouped$IMDService = objc_getClass("IMDService");
    MSHookMessageEx(_logos_class$_ungrouped$IMDService, @selector(loadServiceBundle), (IMP)&_logos_method$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle, (IMP*)&_logos_orig$_ungrouped$IMDService$loadServiceBundle);

here is plist file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


  • Try uncommenting if ([[bundle bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@""] && [bundle isLoaded]) check.

    The reason is loadServiceBundle is called multiple times - there're several imagent plugins. Every time it's called you hook _processReceivedMessage: again and again rewriting your previous hooks. Because it all happens inside a single imagent process original _processReceivedMessage: implementation will be lost. As a result you recursively call your hooked function.

    Also you using wrong NSBundle instance. [NSBundle mainBundle] returns you bundle of yourself i.e. daemon. You need NSBundle of the plugin being loaded. I covered that in my answer - you need to use IMDService -(NSBundle*)bundle. In your case, it will be [self bundle].