I am trying to get this pinyin keymap to load into vim.
I have placed this file into ~/.vim/keymap/pinyin.vim
FDinoff's suggestion below is perfect. What I did on Mavericks was update to Snapshot 73 Vim 7.4.258, mv
the old vim
to /tmp
and mv
to /usr/bin/mvim
, create a symbolic link and I was all set.
This file is already part of the vim runtime so you don't need to include it yourself.
You can change what keymap you are using by using set keymap=pinyin
. You can turn it off with set keymap=
To invoke the key mappings just type them literally in insert mode.
So for example typing a2
will get you á
Take a look at :h keycap
(Note this feature requires vim has been compiled with the keymap feature)