What am I doing wrong here? I want to set the payload of a Mule message to a map containing multiple values, one of them the contents of a flow variable.
<set-variable variableName="myVariable" value="foo"/>
<set-payload value="#[['STATUS':'OKAY','NEXT':'Test','TEXT':flowVars['myVariable']]]"/>
<logger level="INFO" message="#[payload]"/>
The output of this is:
I was expecting:
I know I can do this with a series of expression transformers but, if I want to use this kind of notation, why isn't it pulling the value of the flow variable in?
Edit: to remove typo in source code This solved the problem as noted by Ryan's answer below.
It seems you have unbalanced braces. There is an unnecessary brace after 'Test'.
Should be:
<set-payload value="#[['STATUS':'OKAY','NEXT':'Test','TEXT':flowVars['myVariable']]]"/>