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No signature in HelloSign signed document

I have this strange question regarding HelloSign, the answer to witch I was not able to find in their docs.

I have implemented the embed signing feature on my website with test mode on.

The signing process goes as it should via POST /signature_request/create_embedded request. The iFrame is opened, I put the signature and after I get the SIGNED event, I perform the GET /signature_request/files/[:signature_request_id] request to get signed document. The file is being downloaded and saved, and when I open it and compare with the file preview I have on HelloSign account, I see the many differences.

In my downloaded file there is the signature field added by HelloSign, but actually there is no signature inside. Also the additional page with transaction information does not exist.

Here is actually what I get in my pdf:

enter image description here

And this is what is contained in the file downloaded directly from HS admin: enter image description here

Does this mean there was something wrong with downloaded doc, or is this just the test mode effect?

I hope I haven't completely misunderstood the signing feature...


  • You should be waiting for the backend callback with the event signature_request_all_signed.

    More info on handling callbacks can be found here:

    When a user signs a document, it takes a few seconds for the final PDF to be generated. If you request to download the file before then, you will get the file in the state before it is signed (i.e. in the same state as if you had downloaded the file before the user had signed). To be safe, wait for the signature_request_all_signed callback and then fetch the final PDF.