I have a script with this snippet:
while {[gets $fin line] != -1} {
if {[string first "Modem :" $line] != -1} {
set line2 [string range $line 17 end]
puts $fout "One : \t$line2"
puts $fout "Two : \t$line2"
The One :
works and prints the output (when i don't include the Two :
part in the script) but when I include Two :
, it shows
error : can't read "line2": no such variable
while executing
"puts $fout "Two : \t$line2""
("while" body line 14)
Doesn't it hold the value of line2
after coming out of if
From chat, this is a sample of $fin
The problem with the code is that while {[gets $fin line] != -1}
loops through each line of $fin
one at a time, and not a whole bunch together. read
is the command that gets all lines in one variable.
This means that when the first line is read, you don't have $line1
or $line2
in the first iteration of the loop and thus, puts
will fail to retrieve a variable by those names.
My proposed solution is to get each of the required variables first and when everything is gathered for the 'blocks', print them all at once.
set fin [open imp_info r]
set fout [open imfp_table w]
puts $fout "LINK\tModem Status"
puts $fout "----\t------------"
while {[gets $fin line] != -1} {
# If there is "wire-pair (X)" in the line, get that number
regexp -- {wire-pair \(([0-9]+)\)} $line - wire_pair_no
# Last column, get the value and puts everything
if {[regexp -- {Modem status: ([^,]+)} $line - status]} {
puts $fout "$wire_pair_no\t$status"
LINK Modem Status
---- ------------