I want to show my current location lower in the map (iOS 6 and iOS 7) as per below screen shot to user can see further view [google default app with google map].
Right now, the cursor that shows center in the view as per below image [my app with apple map] .
Therefore the largest part of the screen is used to display what's behind, while it cannot look forward very far.
In the first image and second image, I compare to Google Navigation, which shows the current position much lower in the screen, for about the same rotation angle. I've added some arrows to show what I'm talking about.
i tried below code for set center because i cannot find to set lower.
mapView.userTrackingMode = MKUserTrackingModeFollow;
and also try below method
[mapView setCenterCoordinate:currentLocation.coordinate animated:YES];
Don't set the userTrackingMode
or the map's centerCoordinate
Instead, you can try pointing the MKMapCamera
to a coordinate slightly ahead of the user's in the direction they are heading. This will automatically put the user's location lower on the screen.
Calculating the coordinate "a short distance ahead" is not currently built into the iOS SDK so you'd have to calculate it manually.
One way to do it is using the method shown in:
Calculate new coordinate x meters and y degree away from one coordinate.
Using the coordinateFromCoord:atDistanceKm:atBearingDegrees:
method from that answer, you could set the camera like this:
MKMapCamera *cam = [MKMapCamera camera];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinateAhead =
[self coordinateFromCoord:currentLocation.coordinate
//adjust distance (0.15 km) as needed
cam.centerCoordinate = coordinateAhead;
cam.heading = currentLocation.course;
cam.pitch = 80; //adjust pitch as needed (0=look straight down)
cam.altitude = 100; //adjust as needed (meters)
[mapView setCamera:cam animated:YES];
Try this with the "City Bicycle Ride", "City Run", or "Freeway Drive" in the simulator.
You may need to adjust some of the numbers to get the perspective you want.