I have an asynchronous control-flow like the following:
ActorA ! DoA(dataA, callback1, callbackOnErrorA)
def callback1() = {
ActorB ! DoB(dataB, callback2, callbackOnErrorB)
def callback2() = {
ActorC ! DoC(dataC, callback3, callbackOnErrorC)
How would I divide this flow into several parts (continuations) and sequentially dispatch these to different actors (or threads/tasks) while maintaining the overall state?
Any hint appreciated, Thanks
This is very simplified, but shows how to split up a single control flow among three actors, passing the state along to each:
package blevins.example
import scala.continuations._
import scala.continuations.ControlContext._
import scala.actors.Actor._
import scala.actors._
object App extends Application {
val actorA, actorB, actorC = actor {
receive {
case f: Function1[Unit,Unit] => { f() }
def handle(a: Actor) = shift { k: (Unit=>Unit) =>
a ! k
// Control flow to split up
reset {
// this is not handled by any actor
var x = 1
println("a: " + x)
handle(actorA) // actorA handles the below
x += 4
println("b: " + x)
handle(actorB) // then, actorB handles the rest
var y = 2
x += 2
println("c: " + x)
handle(actorC) // and so on...
y += 1
println("d: " + x + ":" + y)