I am trying to write a unit test for a method I wrote which sends out an email with SendGrid. My method is something like this:
public async Task SendEmail(TemplatedMailMessage emailMessage)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailMessage.Html) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailMessage.From.ToString()) || !emailMessage.To.Any())
throw new Exception("Html, From or To is empty");
// Send the email
await this.TransportWeb.DeliverAsync(emailMessage.GetSendGridMessage());
catch (Exception ex)
//do stuff
//log success
the TransportWeb is a property which is set in my constructor through a parameter so I can create a mock object.
public EmailManager(Web transportWeb = null)
this.TransportWeb = transportWeb ?? SetupSendGrid();
In my test method I am trying to mock the TransportWeb (of type SendGrid.Web) property:
public async Task SendEmail_ValidEmailTemplateAndNoParameters_EmailIsSent()
var templatedMailmessage = new Mock<TemplatedMailMessage>();
var transportWeb = new Mock<Web>();
transportWeb.Setup(x => x.DeliverAsync(It.IsAny<ISendGrid>()));
var emailManager = new EmailManager(transportWeb.Object);
await emailManager.Send(templatedMailmessage.Object);
transportWeb.Verify(x => x.DeliverAsync(It.IsAny<ISendGrid>()), Times.Once());
However, I get the following error:
Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: x => x.DeliverAsync
Does anybody have an idea how I can fix this?
Okay I fixed it :)
You should not use the Web class but ITransport interface:
var transport = new Mock<ITransport>();
transport.Setup(x => x.DeliverAsync(It.IsAny<SendGridMessage>())).ReturnsTask();
var em = new EmailManager(transport.Object);
I also used the extensions methods created by Simon V.