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Open Winform based on result from SQL Query

I am currently in the process of transferring an Access97 Database Application to a new WinForms application.

We have a central form for all "Accounts" which shows the general account data, within that form there is a button that opens another form, the application gets the form name from a SQL query using an example of the table below.

| ClientID | FormName |
|    1     |   frm1   |
|    2     |   frm2   |

So if the ClientID is 1 then the button should open Form1 if the ClientID is 2 the button should open Form2.

My question is how would I get WinForms to run the query on the button click to then open the corresponding form found within the table?

Any help is much appreciated.


  • You will need to write an SQL helper method. Something like the following (which I have not checked and hacked up)

    public static T SQLGet<T>(SqlConnection conn, string sql)
        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
            command.Connection = conn;
            command.CommandTimeout = 0; // No timeout - set or remove.
            command.CommandText = sql;
            return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Command.ExecuteScalar(), typeof(T));

    you can use this like

    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(someValidConnectionString);
    string formName = Utilities.SQLGet<string>(conn, 
        "SELECT [FormName] " + 
        "FROM [SomeTable] WHERE [ClientID] = 1;") // Not considering SQL injection here!

    Now you can use reflection with the retrieved name formName

    Type t = assembly.GetType(formName);
    Form frm1 = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(t);

    I hope this helps.

    Note. this does not have error handling.