Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 100, in <module>
match = int(re.match(r'\d+', number).group())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
input = (1, 2)(5, 2)(14, 2)(17, 2)(1, 3)(5, 3)(14, 3)(17, 3)(1, 4)(5, 4)(8, 4)(9, 4)(10, 4)(11, 4)(14, 4)(17, 4)(20, 4)(21, 4)(22, 4)(23, 4)(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)(5, 5)(8, 5)(9, 5)(10, 5)(11, 5)(14, 5)(17, 5)(20, 5)(21, 5)(22, 5)(23, 5)(1, 6)(5, 6)(8, 6)(9, 6)(10, 6)(11, 6)(14, 6)(17, 6)(20, 6)(23, 6)(1, 7)(5, 7)(8, 7)(9, 7)(14, 7)(17, 7)(20, 7)(21, 7)(22, 7)(23, 7)(1, 8)(5, 8)(8, 8)(9, 8)(10, 8)(11, 8)(14, 8)(17, 8)(20, 8)(21, 8)(22, 8)(23, 8)
output = >>>error above This is the error message I am getting after executing the following code:
xcoord = []
regex = ur"\b[0-9,]{1,}[,]\s\b" #regex for x coordinates
result = re.findall(regex,str1)
for number in result: #get x numbers from coordinate
match = int(re.match(r'\d+', number).group())
xcoord.append(match) #now got array of numbers for x
maxValueX = max(xcoord) #biggest x value
ycoord = []
regex = ur"\b[,]\s[0-9,]{1,}\b" #regex for y coordinates
result = re.findall(regex,str1)
for number in result: #get y numbers from coordinate
match = int(re.match(r'\d+', number).group())
ycoord.append(match) #now got array of numbers for y
maxValueY = max(ycoord) #biggest y value
print maxValueX
print maxValueY
The string it is searching through is: "5', ', 5', ', 6', ', 3',". On two different online regex generators the above regex works perfectly for the string. Why is it working for the X coordinate but NOT the Y one? The code is exactly the same!
(I am trying to obtain the integers from the string by the way).
No regex needed:
str1 = "(8, 5)(9, 5)(10, 5)(11, 5)(14, 5)(17, 5)(20, 5)(21, 5)(22, 5)(23, 5)(1, 6)(5, 6)(8, 6)(9, 6)(10, 6)(11, 6)(14, 6)(17, 6)(20, 6)(23, 6)(1, 7)(5, 7)(8, 7)(9, 7)(14, 7)(17, 7)(20, 7)(21, 7)(22, 7)(23, 7)(1, 8)(5, 8)(8, 8)(9, 8)(10, 8)(11, 8)(14, 8)(17, 8)(20, 8)(21, 8)(22, 8)(23, 8)"
xcoord = [int(element.split(",")[0].strip()) for element in str1[1:-1].split(")(")]
ycoord = [int(element.split(",")[1].strip()) for element in str1[1:-1].split(")(")]
maxValueX = max(xcoord); maxValueY = max(ycoord)
print maxValueX;
print maxValueY;