I am working on Swipe Views with Tabs. The code provided in the "EffectiveNavigation" project at the Creating Swipe Views with Tabs page provides a solid starting ground. Experimenting further I added an OnClickListener to the given TextView and added a setCurrentItem to the onClick method. This behaves as expected and the ViewPager jumps to the requested page.
* A dummy fragment representing a section of the app, but that simply displays dummy text.
public static class DemoObjectFragment extends Fragment {
public static final String ARG_OBJECT = "object";
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_collection_object, container, false);
Bundle args = getArguments();
((TextView) rootView.findViewById(android.R.id.text1)).setText(
((TextView) rootView.findViewById(android.R.id.text1)).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
*setCurrentPagerItem(5); -> omitted here to reduce complexity
return rootView;
As the project I'm working on requires the loading of static webpages instead of text. I replaced the TextView with a WebView to load a different webpage at every swipe. This works perfectly well. Click events from the HTML side are handled by a JavascriptInterface I have implemented.
It is here that I'm facing a problem. The setCurrentPagerItem method works perfectly well when called outside of the JavascriptInterface. When called from within the JavascriptInterface the WebView shows a blank screen and stays so until a swipe to the right or left is made. A swipe to the right displays the next page to the one requested and a swipe to the left displays the requested page. LogCat shows no errors and this behaviour is consistent across a 4.3 based emulator and a Nexus 7 running 4.4.4. I shall provide the entire code below.
public class CollectionDemoActivity extends FragmentActivity {
* The {@link android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter} that will provide fragments representing
* each object in a collection. We use a {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter}
* derivative, which will destroy and re-create fragments as needed, saving and restoring their
* state in the process. This is important to conserve memory and is a best practice when
* allowing navigation between objects in a potentially large collection.
DemoCollectionPagerAdapter mDemoCollectionPagerAdapter;
* The {@link android.support.v4.view.ViewPager} that will display the object collection.
ViewPager mViewPager;
private static Context context;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
context = this;
// Create an adapter that when requested, will return a fragment representing an object in
// the collection.
// ViewPager and its adapters use support library fragments, so we must use
// getSupportFragmentManager.
mDemoCollectionPagerAdapter = new DemoCollectionPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
// Set up action bar.
final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
// Specify that the Home button should show an "Up" caret, indicating that touching the
// button will take the user one step up in the application's hierarchy.
final OnPageChangeListener mPageChangeListener = new OnPageChangeListener() {
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onPageScrolled(int arg0, float arg1, int arg2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onPageSelected(int pos) {
final Toast pageNo;
pageNo = Toast.makeText(context,"PAGE "+(Integer.toString(pos+1))+"/100",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 100);
// Set up the ViewPager, attaching the adapter.
mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager);
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case android.R.id.home:
// This is called when the Home (Up) button is pressed in the action bar.
// Create a simple intent that starts the hierarchical parent activity and
// use NavUtils in the Support Package to ensure proper handling of Up.
Intent upIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
if (NavUtils.shouldUpRecreateTask(this, upIntent)) {
// This activity is not part of the application's task, so create a new task
// with a synthesized back stack.
// If there are ancestor activities, they should be added here.
} else {
// This activity is part of the application's task, so simply
// navigate up to the hierarchical parent activity.
NavUtils.navigateUpTo(this, upIntent);
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
private void setCurrentPagerItem(int item) {
* A {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter} that returns a fragment
* representing an object in the collection.
public static class DemoCollectionPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
public DemoCollectionPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
public Fragment getItem(int i) {
Fragment fragment = new DemoObjectFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(DemoObjectFragment.ARG_OBJECT, i + 1); // Our object is just an integer :-P
return fragment;
public int getCount() {
// For this contrived example, we have a 100-object collection.
return 100;
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
return "OBJECT " + (position + 1);
* A dummy fragment representing a section of the app, but that simply displays dummy text.
public static class DemoObjectFragment extends Fragment {
public static final String ARG_OBJECT = "object";
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_collection_object, container, false);
Bundle args = getArguments();
final WebView webView = (WebView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.webView);
switch(args.getInt(ARG_OBJECT)) {
case 1 :
default :
WebSettings ws = webView.getSettings();
webView.addJavascriptInterface(new Object()
public void toPage(String pageNo) {
((CollectionDemoActivity) getActivity()).setCurrentPagerItem(4);
}, "external");
return rootView;
I could be wrong but it sounds like you are not updating on the UIThread.
You could try something like this.
getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
((CollectionDemoActivity) getActivity()).setCurrentPagerItem(4);