My menu shows the active links when clicked on it except for the home link ( It is never highlighted. I tried playing around but I can't seem to figure it out. This is the jquery code I used to highlight the links?
var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
if ( path )
$('.nav a[href$="' + path + '"]').attr('class', 'active');
I also have another menu on the products pages where I would like to highlight the parents of the siblings and the our products on the global menu. This is the jquery code for the products menu:
$(function() {
var pathname = location.pathname;
var highlight;
//highlight home
if(pathname == "")
highlight = $('ul#accordion > li:first > a:first');
else {
var path = pathname.substring(1);
if (path)
highlight = $('ul#accordion a[href$="' + path + '"]');
}highlight.attr('class', 'active');
// hide 2nd, 3rd, ... level menus
$('ul#accordion ul').hide();
// show child menu on click
$('ul#accordion > li > a.product_menu').click(function() {
//minor improvement
return false;
//open to current group (highlighted link) by show all parent ul's
$('').parents('h2 a').css({'color':'#ff8833'});
//if you only have a 2 level deep navigation you could
//use this instead
}); });
I tried adding this:
but that does not seem to do the trick?
Does anybody have a simple way of accomplishing it? Any help would be appreciated from you guys.
Kind Regards, G
I debugged your Javascript. The home link does not highlight because, for the home page, location.pathname is evaluated to the string "/". The variable 'path' is therefore assigned the empty string. This means that the variable 'highlight' is not assigned to.
// path is assigned the empty string
var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
// evaluating to false
if (path) {
// we never get here
highlight = $('ul#accordion a[href$="' + path + '"]');
// getting a null pointer exception
highlight.attr('class', 'active');