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jQueryUI setting options in a variable - syntax for effects

        var dialogOpts = {
        autoOpen:       false,
        height:         400,
        width:          600,
        position:       ["center", "center"],
        modal:          false,
        closeOnEscape:  true,
        stack:          true,
        draggable:      true,
        show:           "clip",
        hide:           "bounce"

I'm setting the above options for a jQuery UI Dialog but want to dictate some options for each of the effects, such as speed and number of bounces etc, but I can't find an example of the syntax anywhere.

I've tried

show: ["clip", 100],

and the like but they're not hitting the mark. Can you suggest anything?


  • You can't do this with the current version of jQuery UI, however, you're not the first person wanting this. If you look at Ticket #2358 you can get the patch needed to accomplish this. Once you apply dialog2.patch to your ui.dialog.js you can use this syntax:

    show: { effect:"clip", options:{}, speed:100 }

    This will not work without the patch, jQuery UI doesnt' natively support it. This is the community adding functionality, which hopefully will land in a future jQuery UI release.