I managed to get Sunspot working in my rails setup. My rails setup renders graphs (Chartwell) with input from my database (integers), example: "design: 80, art: 20, code: 40".
Is there a way that I can search for "design" and get all elements with design > 70 (integer, for instance) as output?
You're not giving code, so I'll improvise.
Since you have everything working, I assume you already have defined your design
field indexed in searchable
definition in your model.
After you've done that, you will have a .search
block for Sunspot (or Model) in your active code (most probably in a controller).
So, let's suppose your model name is Graph.
design = params[:design] # guessing, again.
Graph.search do
# .... other conditions
This should work for you.
Assuming that you have a design:integer
column in your db
In your event.rb:
searchable do
text :name, :location, :date_search
integer :design
in your events_controller.rb:
@search = Event.search do
fulltext params[:search]
Note: You should pass :design
as a parameter with your search form