I have created a small proof with the intention of creating an example for using next
on proof cases:
theory RedGreen
imports Main
datatype color = RED | GREEN
fun green :: "color => color"
"green RED = GREEN"
| "green GREEN = GREEN"
lemma disj_not: "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<not>P \<longrightarrow> Q"
assume disj: "P \<or> Q"
assume "\<not>P"
from this show "Q" using `P \<or> Q` by (simp)
lemma redgreen: "x \<noteq> RED \<longrightarrow> x = GREEN"
assume notred: "x \<noteq> RED"
have "x = RED \<or> x = GREEN" by (simp only: color.nchotomy)
from this show "x = GREEN" using notred by (simp add: disj_not)
lemma "green x = GREEN"
proof cases
assume "x = RED"
from this show "green x = GREEN" by (simp)
assume "x \<noteq> RED"
from this have "x = GREEN" by (simp add: redgreen)
from this show "green x = GREEN" by (simp)
Can this be streamlined without losing the details? Using some magical tricks would not be the thing I wish for. Improving the style of using Isar is welcome.
My experience is that such low-level (and ad-hoc) rules like your disj_not
and redgreen
are hardly ever useful. If they are really necessary this can most likely be attributed to some lack of automation (via appropriate simp
, intro
, elim
, and dest
rules). Gladly, in your example these "intermediate lemmas" are not necessary at all (and I do not think that they are of special educational value). Coming to your question of a streamlined version. I think one canonical way of doing so would be the following:
lemma "green x = GREEN"
proof (cases x)
case RED
then show "green x = GREEN" by simp
case GREEN
then show "green x = GREEN" by simp
Where the automatically generated fact color.exhaust
is used for a proof by cases on the variable x
of type color