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How to streamline a proof of a function property on a datatype?

I have created a small proof with the intention of creating an example for using next on proof cases:

theory RedGreen 

imports Main 


datatype color = RED | GREEN 

fun green :: "color => color" 
  "green RED   = GREEN" 
| "green GREEN = GREEN" 

lemma disj_not: "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> \<not>P \<longrightarrow> Q" 
  assume disj: "P \<or> Q" 
  assume "\<not>P" 
  from this show "Q" using `P \<or> Q` by (simp) 

lemma redgreen: "x \<noteq> RED \<longrightarrow> x = GREEN" 
  assume notred: "x \<noteq> RED" 
  have "x = RED \<or> x = GREEN" by (simp only: color.nchotomy)  
  from this show "x = GREEN" using notred by (simp add:  disj_not) 

lemma "green x = GREEN" 
proof cases 
  assume "x = RED" 
  from this show "green x = GREEN" by (simp) 
  assume "x \<noteq> RED" 
  from this have "x = GREEN" by (simp add: redgreen) 
  from this show "green x = GREEN" by (simp) 

Can this be streamlined without losing the details? Using some magical tricks would not be the thing I wish for. Improving the style of using Isar is welcome.


  • My experience is that such low-level (and ad-hoc) rules like your disj_not and redgreen are hardly ever useful. If they are really necessary this can most likely be attributed to some lack of automation (via appropriate simp, intro, elim, and dest rules). Gladly, in your example these "intermediate lemmas" are not necessary at all (and I do not think that they are of special educational value). Coming to your question of a streamlined version. I think one canonical way of doing so would be the following:

    lemma "green x = GREEN"
    proof (cases x)
      case RED
      then show "green x = GREEN" by simp
      case GREEN
      then show "green x = GREEN" by simp

    Where the automatically generated fact color.exhaust is used for a proof by cases on the variable x of type color.