$login1 = new Login("cam", "1234"); echo "<br>";
echo $login1->authenticate($login1->name, $login1->this->password);
class Login{
public $name;
public $password;
function Login($u, $w){
$this->name = $u;
$this->$password = $w;
function authenticate($name, $password){
$lookupusername = "cam";
$lookuppassword = "1234";
if($name == $lookupusername && $password == $lookuppassword){
return "Login Success";
echo "Login Success";
} else {
return "Login Fail";
echo "Login Fail";
I am new to PHP. I am wondering why the constructor in my login class is not setting the string literals as the name and password properties of the class. I tried a set() method and that didn't work either. I also tried assigning the string literals as variables and passing them in by reference. Nope. Where am I going wrong?
PHP doesn't build a constructor in the same way that Java does (which is what your example appears to be based on). You'll want to use PHP's __construct
method, like below:
public function __construct($u, $w) {
$this->name = $u;
$this->password = $w;
Also, your way of accessing the name
attribute is correct, but password
is incorrect. Use $this->password
instead of $this->$password
, and $login1->password
instead of $login1->this->password