I have a domain class similar to the following:
class Record {
Long id
List numbers = []
String description
void recordNumber(Long number) {
//requirements, validations, etc.
numbers << number
Then I defined a Web service similar to the code below:
class RecordController extends RestfulController {
def recordNumber(Record record) {
def number = getNumberFromRequest() //request.JSON, request.XML, etc.
if (record) {
record.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
However, the numbers on the list don't seem to get saved, because when I retrieve a Record
, the list empty. I have test for the code and it seems ok. Could it also be that the list is lazily loaded?
So based on this answer from a previous StackOverflow question, I updated the code as follows:
class Record {
static hasMany = [numbers: Long]
Long id
String description
void recordNumber(Long number) {
//requirements, validations, etc.
addToNumbers number
It would seem that if a collection is meant to be persistent, it has to be declared this way, or be mapped in some other methods; I'm just not sure what those other methods are.