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Unable to delete NuGet package on server

I am unable to delete a NuGet package that I have uploaded onto our local NuGet server, the NuGet server is v2.8.50320.36 and the command line NuGet.exe is 2.0.6.

When I use the following command:

nuget delete Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.3 myapikey -source -NonInteractive -verbosity detailed

I get the following output

Deleting Newtonsoft.Json 6.0.3 from the ''.
Failed to process request. 'Internal Server Error'. 
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error..

However I had no problem pushing the package on to the server (I've checked it's definitely there), this was the command I used to push it.

nuget push "C:\Temp\Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.3.nupkg" myapikey -source -verbosity detailed

Are there any settings I need to make on the NuGet server to allow package deletion or is my command syntax incorrect?


  • It is strongly discouraged to delete a package from a feed, because that will break builds that have a dependency on that package. See:

    In the rare occasion that I really have to delete a package, I delete it in the Packages folder of the file system on the server.

    But if you insist on doing it via nuget.exe, maybe the following link will help you.


    Solution in the comments below: "set enableDelisting to true in the web.config file."