I am trying to make a Clojurescript app that shows recipes.
Relevant code follows (also available as a gist):
(defn load-recipes [data]
(go (if (not (:loaded? @data))
(let [recipes-data (<! (fetch-recipes data))]
(om/update! data :recipes recipes-data)
(om/update! data :loaded? true))
(println "Data already loaded"))))
(defn define-routes [data]
(defroute home-path "/" []
(om/update! data :view :home))
(defroute "/random" []
(go (loop [loaded? (:loaded? (om/value data))]
(if-not loaded? (do (println "Waiting for data...")
(recur (:loaded? (om/value data))))
(do (om/update! data :tag
(vec (apply set/union (map :tags (:recipes @data))))))
(om/update! data :view :random)))))))
(defn app-view [data owner]
(will-mount [_]
(load-recipes data)
(define-routes data)))
(did-mount [_]
#_(fetch-recipes data))
(render [_]
(html data))))
What I want to accomplish:
What I get now is an infinite loop in the browser. What's happening?
Another option is wrapping all my routes who need data fetching first in a go block and put (<! (load-recipes))
on the first line.
PS: I ended up with
(defn ensure-recipes-loaded [data]
(go (if (not (:loaded? (om/value data)))
(do (om/update! data :view :loading)
(let [recipes-data (<! (fetch-recipes data))]
(om/update! data :recipes recipes-data)
(om/update! data :loaded? true)))
(println "Data already loaded"))))
(defn define-routes [data]
(defroute home-path "/" []
(om/update! data :view :home))
(defroute "/random" []
(<! (ensure-recipes-loaded data))
(do (om/update! data :tag
(vec (apply set/union (map :tags (:recipes @data))))))
(om/update! data :view :random))))
(defroute "/random/:tagname" [tagname]
(go (<! (ensure-recipes-loaded data))
(om/update! data :tag tagname)
(om/update! data :view :random)))
(defroute "/recipe/:link" [link]
(go (<! (ensure-recipes-loaded data))
(om/update! data :view :recipe)
(om/update! data :permalink link)))
(defroute "*" [*]
(go (<! (ensure-recipes-loaded data))
(om/update! data :view :default))))
Using a loop
construct without any (parking) channel operations inside it to wait is pretty much entirely contrary to the spirit of core.async. Keep in mind that JavaScript is single-threaded, so if you don't park a thread of execution, there's no opportunity for anything else to run.
Have a channel that you close when the loading operation is complete. Try to read from that channel when you need to block; if it returns nil
, it's done, and if it blocks, then you have the desired operation of waiting. If you want to periodically do something while waiting, then read from both that channel and a timeout.