I want to use bootstrap for my edition pages.
I had installed already the gems for using bootstrap and they work pretty good for my site pages.
gem 'refinerycms-bootstrap'
gem 'bootstrap-sass'
But when I try of use the bootstraps classes for my backend edit form... they are not included.
How I can include the bootstrap for my backend pages?
I finally did it.
Open the file
uncomment the lines
# Register extra javascript for backend
config.register_javascript "custom"
# Register extra stylesheet for backend (optional options)
config.register_stylesheet "custom", :media => 'screen'
Then I go to the path vendor/assets/stylesheets and I created the file custom.css.scss and the path vendor/assets/javascripts I created the file custom.js
@import "bootstrap";
//= require bootstrap
Then I created the file config/initializers/assets.rb with this content
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( custom.css )
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( custom.js )
Restart rails server
Now I must to fix some visual issues.