Search code examples

pl/sql hierachical data arrangement

Table tMain:

| ID | name  | id_ref  |
| 1  | amine |      4  |
| .. |       |         |

Table tTree:

| ID |  name  | id_parent |
|  1 | root   | null      |
|  2 | child1 | 1         |
|  3 | child2 | 2         |
|  4 | child3 | 3         |

So I have to tables which i would like to "connect". Table "tMain" contains some data and a foreign key referencing the tTree table (reference to the lowest child item). What I would like is to use one query to get all the data from tMain together with the assembled path from tTree. It would look like this:

| ID | name  | id_ref |           Path            |
| 1  | amine |      4 | root/child1/child2/child3 |
| .. |       |        |                           |


  • WITH tree$ AS (
        SELECT, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(name, '/'), '/') AS path
        FROM tTree T
        START WITH id_parent IS NULL
        CONNECT BY PRIOR ID = id_parent
    SELECT,, M.id_ref, T.path
    FROM tMain M
        JOIN tree$ T ON = M.id_ref