here's what set out to do:
I got till the 2nd point by following the samples from LinqToTwitter codeplex page.
The code from OAuth controller works fine and it does redirect back to MVC app's second page.
But I am missing something which is not posting the status.
This is the code in the button click from which I pass the user entered status:
public ActionResult Status(string status)
var auth = new MvcAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new SessionStateCredentialStore()
var twitterContext = new TwitterContext(auth);
TweetAsync(twitterContext, status);
return View(); //return some view to the user
void TweetAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx, string statusToUpdate)
var tweet = twitterCtx.TweetAsync(statusToUpdate);
if (tweet != null)
// Inform the user about success
Both the above methods are also in OAuth controller.
Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
Change your method to use async and return a Task:
public async Task Status(string status) { //...
var tweet = await twitterContext.TweetAsync(twitterContext, status);
// ...
and then await TweetAsync, assigning the response to a Status entity named tweet. If you want a separate method for calling TweetAsync, make that async also. With async, you must make every method in the call chain async.