i want to disassemble a windows application which is written in microsoft visual c++. When i open it in Ollydbg 110 than it is showing that application is running but there is no code shown there.
I don't understand what is the problem with the application. Can Anybody tell me what is going wrong or am i missing something??
Thanks in advance...
I recommend you to watch Lena's reversing tutorial. It will introduce you to OllyDbg and the basic concepts.
Basically you can attach to a process or start a process from the debugger. By default, when you attach it should break the application and show you the current state of the application. You might want to take a look at the settings and setup when to break.
The other possibility might be that you are in a different module (like you are watching a loaded rundll or kernel, instead of your core module of your application). To check this go here:
A third option could be that the application is using some kind of anti debugging technique.
Did you try the newest version of ollydbg?