What I am doing in vertex shader is:
shadowCoord = shadowVP * mMatrix * vec4(vertex_position,1.0);
Now to get it back in the range [-1, 1] I did this in the fragment shader:
vec3 proj = shadowCoord.xyz / shadowCoord.w;
But if I test the z value of such point I get a value bigger than 1.
The perspective matrix I use is obtained via:
glm::perspective(FOV, aspectRatio, near, far);
And it results in:
[2.4142 0 0 0
0 2.4142 0 0
0 0 -1.02 -1
0 0 -0.202 0]
and the shadowVP is:
shadow_Perp * shadow_View
Shouldn't proj.z
be in the range [-1,1]?
be in the range [-1,1]?
No. It is in the range [-1,1] if the point lies inside the frustum. And the frustum is defined as -w <= x,y,z <= w
for any vetrex in clip space (and that w
varies per vertex). But you don't do any clipping, so any value can result here. Note two things:
While I said the implication "v
inside the frustum" => "NDC coords in [-1,1]" holds true, the opposite does not. That means you can get the NDC coords inside [-1,1] for points which lie outside of the frusutm (that might even lie behind the "viewing position").
You might also get the division by 0 here.