I like Netrw . Its pretty good/poweful and it comes in stock Vim .
However I have a small productivity issue entering into Netrw with the normal Cursor Navigation Mode . The most important activity I do is /
instaed of using the navigable cursor as I know what I would be looking for .
i.e search Mode ? I.e Any Netrw buffer defaults to / and hitting Enter
should bring it to the simple Cursor Navigation Mode ? Any ideas how to do this ? Vim is pretty composible and hence this should be possible . Any ideas how to achieve this ? Ofcourse I use CtrlP etc and Netrw has become redundant however its sometimes required to navigate the FS . If you think about its a bit like ido-mode in Emacs , however I was thinking how can I add a layer that uses Netrw but deals with it differently what are the challenges adding that layer and what are some pointers out there to understand these special buffers ?
autocmd FileType netrw call feedkeys("/\<c-u>", 'n')
makes it persistent to the netrw buffer .
Use a mapping like this :
map <silent> <C-E> :call ToggleVExplorer()<CR>
cmap <C-E> <C-\><C-N>:call ToggleVExplorer()<CR>
If you have a toggle function that opens and closes like ToggleVExplorer :
"Toggle Vexplore with Ctrl-E
function! ToggleVExplorer()
if exists("t:expl_buf_num")
let expl_win_num = bufwinnr(t:expl_buf_num)
if expl_win_num != -1
let cur_win_nr = winnr()
exec expl_win_num . 'wincmd w'
exec cur_win_nr . 'wincmd w'
unlet t:expl_buf_num
unlet t:expl_buf_num
exec '1wincmd w'
let t:expl_buf_num = bufnr("%")