Why doesnt this delete work to delete the whole record:
$query = 'DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE index = $_GET["id"]';
$result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db));
Where index is variable of type int, auto_incremented in MySQL?
Your question php is related, not mysql.
print $query;
and see.
then refer to php strings syntax, http://php.net/types.string for the proper syntax.
Also, a variable that goes to the query, must be properly prepared, escaped, or, in case of integer value, manually cast to this type,
or, to make it single line,
$query = 'DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE `index` = '.intval($_GET["id"]);
also, index is reserved word that can cause problems too, you can escape it with backticks,
but it will be much better if you rename it to just id