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In TypeScript, how to use Promises with the RSVP implementation on Node.js

On Node.js, what is the proper way to use promises with TypeScript ?

Currently I use a definition file "rsvp.d.ts":

interface Thenable {
    then(cb1: Function, cb2?: Function): Thenable;
declare module rsvp {
    class Promise implements Thenable {
        static cast(p: Promise): Promise;
        static cast(object?): Promise;
        static resolve(t: Thenable): Promise;
        static resolve(obj?): Promise;
        static reject(error?: any): Promise;
        static all(p: Promise[]): Promise;
        static race(p: Promise[]): Promise;
        constructor(cb: Function);
        then(cb1: Function, cb2?: Function): Thenable;
        catch(onReject?: (error: any) => Thenable): Promise;
        catch(onReject?: Function): Promise;

… and in my ".ts" file:

/// <reference path='../node.d.ts' />
/// <reference path='rsvp.d.ts' />
global['rsvp'] = require('es6-promise');
var Promise = rsvp.Promise;
var p: Thenable = new Promise(function (resolve) {

It works but the reference to "global" is ugly.

NB. I failed to use the definition file from DefinitelyTyped.


  • Proper fix

    Just updated the definitions to support the correct way :

    So using the same defs ( now you can do:

    import rsvp = require('es6-promises');
    var Promise = rsvp.Promise;

    Just a suggestion for future

    It works but the reference to "global" is ugly.

    You can do :

    var rsvp = require('es6-promise');
    var Promise = rsvp.Promise;