While editing a Sass file, I'd like to be able to use Vim's Omnicompletion (<C-x><C-o>
) to complete Sass variables that are present in the project's ctags file.
It seems that my ~/.ctags
file is configured correctly, because when I type something like :tag primary
, it takes me to the Sass file in which I've defined the variable $primary
. But typing color: $prim
, followed by <C-x><C-o>
, gives me the message "Pattern not found."
To try to make this work, I've added the following lines to my ~/.vimrc
au FileType scss set omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
set tags=tags;
What else do I need to do for Vim to recognize this as the beginning of a Sass variable?
The default CSS omni-completion function, called when you do <C-x><C-o>
, doesn't use tags at all.
Try <C-x><C-]>
to use your tags
file exclusively or <C-n>
to complete from a variety of sources, including your tags
(Would you mind sharing your ~/.ctags
, please?)