I have 2 models in my app, 'User' & 'MedicineType' (each User belongs to one MedicineType).
I made the one-to-many relation between two model using belongsTo() and hasMany(). hasMany() relation works perfectly but belongTo() doesn't work. Does anyone know where did I make a mistake?
User::find(1)->medicine_type [this returns nothing]
MedicineType::find(1)->users [this returns users]
Here's the code to Models:
class MedicineType extends Eloquent {
public function users()
return $this->hasMany('User');
class User extends Eloquent {
public function medicine_type()
return $this->belongsTo('MedicineType');
And here is my database structure:
The reason your relation is not working is not because of the relations specified in the model, but because of the method naming in the User model and not specifying the foreign key.
Instead of:
public function medicine_type()
return $this->belongsTo('MedicineType');
public function medicineType()
return $this->belongsTo('MedicineType', 'id');
I hope this works for you ;)
Everything together:
<?php // app/models/MedicineType.php
class MedicineType extends Eloquent {
// Determines which database table to use
protected $table = 'medicine_types';
public function users()
return $this->hasMany('User');
<?php // app/models/User.php
class User extends Eloquent {
// Determines which database table to use
protected $table = 'users';
public function medicineType()
return $this->belongsTo('MedicineType', 'id');
Testing if it works:
$user = User::find(1);
return $user->medicineType->name;
This successfully returns the related medicine_type's name.
I hope this helps you further ;)