I have a aspx
page that has several drop down list
. So when the users forget to input some values i have to show an error to user, but every DDL
are initialized again, and the users information are lost, how can I avoid this ?
When the users forget to input values i return them to current url
I heard that we can avoid this problem by using something like absolute
i am not sure.
Use SessionState object to store the SelectedIndex property of ComboBox (e.g. Cmb), then apply it in Page_Load() event.
Example 1: Store value in Session
int _idx = Cmb.SelectedIndex;
Session["idx"] = _idx.ToString();
Example 2: Read from Session and apply to ComboBox:
if(!IsPostBack) {
Cmb.SelectedIndex = (int)(Session["idx"]);
More details at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms178581%28v=vs.100%29.aspx