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How to write integration test for filter in grails

I have written one filter rule which I want to test using grails integration tests. Filter is

invalidAccess(controller: "home") {
    before = {
            redirect(controller: "newHome", action: "index")
            return false

I have followed this link to write the integration test

It returns result as false But gives

null for redirectedUrl

instead of newHome & index method url. What am I missing here?

import grails.util.GrailsWebUtil

class MyFilterTests extends GroovyTestCase {

    def filterInterceptor
    def grailsApplication
    def grailsWebRequest

    def request(Map params, controllerName, actionName) {
        grailsWebRequest = GrailsWebUtil.bindMockWebRequest(grailsApplication.mainContext)
        grailsWebRequest.controllerName = controllerName
        grailsWebRequest.actionName = actionName
        filterInterceptor.preHandle(grailsWebRequest.request, grailsWebRequest.response, null)

    def getResponse() {

    def testFilterRedirects() {
        def result = request( someParameter: "2", "home", "index")
        assertFalse result
        assertTrue response.redirectedUrl.endsWith(/* something */)



  • If you want to try unit testing and need to mock some services then you can mock like:

    @Mock([FirstService, SecondService])
    class SomethingToTestSpec extends Specification {

    and you want integration test then try following test

    import grails.util.GrailsWebUtil
    import org.junit.After
    import org.junit.Before
    import org.junit.Test
    class MyFilterIntegrationTests {
        def filterInterceptor
        def grailsApplication
        def grailsWebRequest
        void setUp() {
        void tearDown() {
        void testFilterRedirects() {
            def result = request("person", "index", someParameter: "2")
            assert !result
            assert response.redirectedUrl.endsWith('/auth/index')
        def getResponse() {
        def request(Map params, controllerName, actionName) {
            grailsWebRequest = GrailsWebUtil.bindMockWebRequest(grailsApplication.mainContext)
            grailsWebRequest.controllerName = controllerName
            grailsWebRequest.actionName = actionName
            filterInterceptor.preHandle(grailsWebRequest.request, grailsWebRequest.response, null)

    Ref# Grails Integration Test Filter