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Drupal 7 Access Callback Not Working Properly

Drupal 7 Hook_menu access callback is not returning the correct boolean.

Before we begin. YES! Cache is cleared... a lot.

I implemented a simple function for testing:

$items['tutor_review_selection'] = array(
    'title'             => t('example'),
    'page callback'     => 'my_module_example_page',
    'access callback'   => my_module_access( array('administrator') ),
    'type'              => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM

function my_module_access( $roles ) {
    global $user;

    $check = array_intersect($roles, array_values($user->roles));

    return empty( $check ) ? FALSE : TRUE;

This returns TRUE for logged in and logged out users.

Here is the important part:

I call 'my_module_access' function in 'my_module_example_page' function and it works correctly.

Can anyone shine some light onto why this would not work in access callback?

Maybe something to do with order of operation?

Cache is cleared.


  • If you check the Drupal 7 hook_menu documentation you will see the following code:

      function mymodule_menu() {
        $items['abc/def'] = array(
          'page callback' => 'mymodule_abc_view',
          'page arguments' => array(1, 'foo'),
        return $items;

    'page callback' accepts a string, which is the callback function name. The arguments to be sent to that function are provided in the 'page arguments' array.

    edit Note that you should probably create a permission and assign your roles to that permission, then check the permission instead of checking for specific roles.