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Quick File to Hashtable in PowerShell

Given an array of key-value pairs (for example read in through ConvertFrom-StringData), is there a streamlined way of turning this into a Hashtable or similar to allow quick lookup? I.e. a way not requiring me to loop through the array and manually build up the hashtable myself.

Example data

Example usage

$names = gc .\data.txt | ConvertFrom-StringData
// $names is now Object[]
$map = ?
// $map should now be Hashtable or equivalent
echo $map[''] 
// Output should be

Basically what I'm looking for is a, preferably, built-in file-to-hashtable function. Or an array-to-hashtable function.

Note: As @mjolnior explained, I actually got hash tables, but an array of single value ones. So this was fixed by reading the file -raw and hence didn't require any array to hashtable conversion. Updated the question title to match that.


  • Convertfrom-Stringdata does create a hash table.

    You need to give it the key-value pairs as a single multi-line string (not a string array)

    $map = Get-Content -raw .\data.txt | ConvertFrom-StringData

    When you use Get-Content without the -Raw switch, you're giving ConvertFrom-StringData an array of single-line strings, and it's giving you back an array of single-element hash tables:

    $map = Get-Content .\data.txt | ConvertFrom-StringData
    IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                                                                   
    -------- -------- ----                                     --------                                                                   
    True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array                                                               
    True     True     Hashtable                                System.Object                                                              
    Key   :
    Value :
    Name  :