I have an XML File, generated by library written in c++:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<short>short value</short>
<name>name value</name>
<type>type value</type>
<aud>aud value</aud>
<tr>tr value</tr>
<added>added value</added>
<short>short value</short>
<name>name value</name>
<type>type value</type>
<aud>aud value</aud>
<tr>tr value</tr>
<added>added value</added>
I read these xml file like below:
XmlTextReader r = new XmlTextReader("out.xml");
while (r.Read())
if (r.Name == "date") { r.Read(); dates[c1] = (r.Value); c1++; }
else if (r.Name == "short") { r.Read(); shorts[c2] = (r.Value); c2++; }
else if (r.Name == "name") { r.Read(); names[c3] = (r.Value); c3++; }
else if (r.Name == "type") { r.Read(); types[c4] = (r.Value); c4++; }
else if (r.Name == "aud") { r.Read(); auds[c5] = (r.Value); c5++; }
else if (r.Name == "tr") { r.Read(); trs[c6] = (r.Value); c6++; }
else if (r.Name == "sw") { r.Read(); ws[c7] = (r.Value); c7++; }
else if (r.Name == "st") { r.Read(); st[c8] = (r.Value); c8++; }
How do I parse the file, so that I can understand what the parameter to which the day belongs, especially if there are several in one day ("p" in this case)? Trying to find a solution in the Internet, many people say it is better to use "LINQ to XML" or "XPath", but how to maintain object dependencies nobody says.
Load your xml using the XDocument class and then you can traverse it using the Descendants or Element methods.
var xml = XDocument.Load("your xml string");
foreach (var day in xml.Descendants("day"))
var pChildren = day.Descendants("p").ToList();
var aretThereMorePs = pChildren.Count() > 1;
foreach (var p in pChildren)
var shortVal = (string)p.Element("short");