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Processing embedded css in an html page with Gulp

I would like to use Autoprefixer for the embedded css within my html file.

I use jade and stylus for my nodejs project. Most of the css that I use are very small. Hence, I prefer to embed them into the jade files using stylus filter. Here's an example code.

      display: flex

I use Gulpjs as my build tool. gulp-autoprefixer works on .css files. How do I make it work for embedded style


  • I used gulp-replace plugin to replace embedded style within html files. Here's the snippet of my

    gulp.task 'autoprefix', ->
      gulp.src paths.html.source
        .pipe require('gulp-replace').replace /(<style>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/style>)/gm, (match, style_tag, prefixed)->
                style_tag + require('autoprefixer')('last 2 versions').process(String(prefixed)).css + "</style>"
        .pipe gulp.dest(paths.destination)

    Would love to hear if there is more cleaner way to achieve the same.