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How to capture the exit_code and stderr of the command that is run in C++?

I'm writing a c++ program that executes and outputs (in real-time) a shell script, makefile or just another program. However I would like to have my program return differently when there are errors or no error.

#include "execxi.h"

using namespace std;

int execXI::run(string command)

    FILE *in;
    char buff[512];
    // is this the check for command execution exited with not 0?
    if(!(in = popen(command.c_str(), "r"))){
            // I want to return the exit code and error message too if any
        return 1;
    // this part echoes the output of the command that's executed
    while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), in)!=NULL){
        cout << buff;
    return 0;


is what I have so far.

Let's say this script ran make to build a program and it gave an error like so

on_target_webkit_version out/Release/obj/gen/webkit_version.h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../build/", line 107, in <module>
  File "../build/", line 103, in main
    return EmitVersionHeader(*sys.argv[1:])
  File "../build/", line 86, in EmitVersionHeader
    webkit_revision = GetWebKitRevision(webkit_dir, version_file)
  File "../build/", line 60, in GetWebKitRevision
    version_info = lastchange.FetchVersionInfo(
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'FetchVersionInfo'
make: *** [out/Release/obj/gen/webkit_version.h] Error 1
  • Is it possible for me to know that this exited with error?

    • Does that exit with code else than 0 since it is an error?

    • Is that last part outputted in stderr?

Considering that make exited with code not 0, let's say 1, and it output in stderr is it not possible for me to capture these exit codes and error message in the end?

How can I capture the exit code and stderr after outputting the results of the program, and return the exit code/ stderr in the function?


  • If you are interested in the error code, this is a more portable way of getting it rather than dividing by 256:

    printf("Exit code: %i\n", WEXITSTATUS(pclose(fp)));

    However, popen is one way, so you are either creating further workarounds by the usual redirection style in shell, or you follow this untested code to do it right:

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    /* since pipes are unidirectional, we need two pipes.
       one for data to flow from parent's stdout to child's
       stdin and the other for child's stdout to flow to
       parent's stdin */
    #define NUM_PIPES          2
    #define PARENT_WRITE_PIPE  0
    #define PARENT_READ_PIPE   1
    int pipes[NUM_PIPES][2];
    /* always in a pipe[], pipe[0] is for read and 
       pipe[1] is for write */
    #define READ_FD  0
    #define WRITE_FD 1
    #define PARENT_READ_FD  ( pipes[PARENT_READ_PIPE][READ_FD]   )
    #define CHILD_READ_FD   ( pipes[PARENT_WRITE_PIPE][READ_FD]  )
    #define CHILD_WRITE_FD  ( pipes[PARENT_READ_PIPE][WRITE_FD]  )
        int outfd[2];
        int infd[2];
        // pipes for parent to write and read
        if(!fork()) {
            char *argv[]={ "/usr/bin/bc", "-q", 0};
            dup2(CHILD_READ_FD, STDIN_FILENO);
            dup2(CHILD_WRITE_FD, STDOUT_FILENO);
            /* Close fds not required by child. Also, we don't
               want the exec'ed program to know these existed */
            execv(argv[0], argv);
        } else {
            char buffer[100];
            int count;
            /* close fds not required by parent */       
            // Write to child’s stdin
            write(PARENT_WRITE_FD, "2^32\n", 5);
            // Read from child’s stdout
            count = read(PARENT_READ_FD, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
            if (count >= 0) {
                buffer[count] = 0;
                printf("%s", buffer);
            } else {
                printf("IO Error\n");

    The code is from here: