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Autojoin option of xmpp bookmark does not work

I am trying to auto-join rooms using XEP-0048 - Bookmarks (

I am using RobbieHanson XMPPFramework, ejabberd v13.x So far, I have been able to add bookmark to the room using the following code :

-(void) createBookmarkforRoom:(NSString *)roomJid {
    NSXMLElement *nick = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"nick" stringValue:@"Marge"];

    NSXMLElement *conference = [DDXMLNode elementWithName:@"conference"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"name" stringValue:@"BookmarkName"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"autojoin" stringValue:@"true"];
    [conference addAttributeWithName:@"jid" stringValue:roomJid];

    [conference addChild:nick];

    NSXMLElement *storage =[DDXMLNode elementWithName:@"storage"];
    [storage addAttributeWithName:@"xmlns" stringValue:@"storage:bookmarks"];

    [storage addChild:conference];

    NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@[@"pubsub#persist_items",@"pubsub#access_model"]

    [self.publishSubscribeModule publishToNode:@"storage:bookmarks"
                                     entry:(NSXMLElement *)storage
                                withItemID:(NSString *)@"current"
                                   options:(NSDictionary *)options];


The following xml is successfully sent :

<iq type="set" id="2749368B-E365-45D6-A4B0-2F79DC6F4747">
   <pubsub xmlns="">
      <publish node="storage:bookmarks">
         <item id="current">
            <storage xmlns="storage:bookmarks">
               <conference name="BookmarkName" autojoin="true" jid="">
         <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
            <field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden">
            <field var="true">
            <field var="whitelist">

And I receive :

<iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="" id="2749368B-E365-45D6-A4B0-2F79DC6F4747" type="result">
   <pubsub xmlns="">
      <publish node="storage:bookmarks">
         <item id="current" />

When I try to fetch bookmarks using the following code :

-(void)requestBookmarks {
    DDXMLElement *pubsub = [DDXMLElement elementWithName:@"pubsub" xmlns:@""];

    DDXMLElement *items = [DDXMLElement elementWithName:@"items"];
    [items addAttributeWithName:@"node" stringValue:@"storage:bookmarks"];

    [pubsub addChild:items];

    XMPPIQ *iqBookmark = [XMPPIQ iqWithType:@"get" elementID:@"retrievebookmark10" child:pubsub];
    [ sendElement:iqBookmark];

It sends the following xml :

<iq type="get" id="retrievebookmark10">
    <pubsub xmlns="">
        <items node="storage:bookmarks"/>

and I receive :

<iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="" to="" id="retrievebookmark10" type="result">
    <pubsub xmlns="">
        <items node="storage:bookmarks">
            <item id="current">
                <storage xmlns="storage:bookmarks">
                    <conference name="BookmarkName" autojoin="true" jid="">

So it seems that I can successfully store bookmarks and retrieve them. But, when I try to talk in the room without manually joining it I get a error saying that I have to join the room before I can talk in the room. If I join the room (manually), every things works fine.

On the server-side, I used the mod_pubsub module with the following options :

   access_createnode: pubsub_createnode
    ## reduces resource comsumption, but XEP incompliant
   ignore_pep_from_offline: true
    ## XEP compliant, but increases resource comsumption
    ## ignore_pep_from_offline: false
   last_item_cache: false
     - "flat"
     - "hometree"
     - "pep" # pep requires mod_caps

I am wondering why do I have to manually join bookmarked with "auto-join = true" rooms. Any clue ?


  • Autojoining bookmarked rooms is entirely a client-side feature - the client is supposed to retrieve the bookmarks at startup, and explicitly join the rooms marked as "auto-join".