Im using ShinobiCharts line type kind ,my x values are date strings and y are the values - longs.
The chars points are displayed correctly but the x values lables are shown along the whole chart points,
and shown on top of each other
This is chart initialisation I'm using:
mainChart = [[ShinobiChart alloc] initWithFrame:frame withPrimaryXAxisType:SChartAxisTypeCategory withPrimaryYAxisType:SChartAxisTypeNumber];
And this is how i create my dataPoint:
SChartDataPoint* dataPoint = [SChartDataPoint new];
dataPoint.xValue =key;
dataPoint.yValue = value;
Any ideas what am i missing?
You need to make your x-axis a SChartDateTimeAxis, not an SChartCategoryAxis. Your xValue needs to be an NSDate, not an NSString. Use the NSDateFormatter to get the dateFromString:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"dd/MM/yy";
dataPoint.xValue = [dateFormatter dateFromString:key];