I have a Flask app that stores a user's timezone (from pytz.common_timezones
) in a database.
I store records in the DB using a UTC timestamp.
I want to display these records to end-users according to their timezone.
Is it best to:
Iterate through each record and convert the timezone before passing it to render_template
Define a macro within my view that performs this conversion within the template itself?
Are there any best practices for converting a naive timezone to a local timezone?
I think you have two separate questions here. The real question is about how best to manipulate your template - which could be asked about any value manipulation. I'll let someone else answer on that.
With regard to the second question:
Are there any best practices for converting a naive timezone to a local timezone?
That doesn't make a lot of sense. "naive" in the python sense means "unaware of time zone" - so there's not really such a thing as a "naive timezone".
If you mean converting from a naive datetime
to an aware datetime
, then the best advice is to be sure to use the localize
function, as described in the pytz documentation. Don't try to assign it to the tzinfo
property yourself.