I'm following the getting started project provided it for refineryCms for testing several things. Right now I want to override the events view. But I can not get the correct path for finding and overriding.
I'm trying
rake refinery:override view=refinery/pages/events/show
rake refinery:override view=refinery/events/show
Couldn't match any view template files in any extensions like refinery/events/show
and a lot of combinations but without luck.
What is the right form to find the view and override it??
Edit: when I try to use the wildcards I got this error:
zsh: no matches found: view=refinery/events/events/*
I had tried a lot of things, But I'm guessing, and I disliked that. there are some "formula" to get the correct path?
Thanks again
Refinery extensions have their own view folder; so if you have events, it will put the view in /app/views/events. Have you tried with this wildcard '*' at the end, such as:
rake refinery:override view=refinery/events/*
You can override all views with
rake refinery:override view=refinery/*
Also, I had an extensions where it put the directory inside of a directory, so for example you can try to put two directories:
rake refinery:override view=refinery/events/events/*