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JUnit - Looping test cases and comparing the results

I am learning JUnit and I have to test a method multiple times. I have to test the method based on two parameters (Environment and Case#). I am working on two environments where I have to check if the same Case# yields the same results between different environments. This is the test case:

public class AppStartTest

 * Test method for {@link archive.AppStart#beginOper(java.lang.String)}.

List<String> actualSections = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> environments = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> cases = new ArrayList<String>();

public void prepareTest()


public void testBeginOper()
    for (String caseStr : cases)
        Map<String, Integer> mapList[] = new HashMap[2];
        int i = 0;
        for (String env : environments)
            System.out.println("Starting " + env + "-" + caseStr);
            AppStart a = new AppStart();
            mapList[i] = a.beginOper(env + "-" + caseStr, true);
                    //Using assert in this method
        compareResults(mapList[0], mapList[1], caseStr);

The result yields as a single test case, but I would be requiring the results as:


I tried using parameterized test cases, but the test method would be executed independently. I have to compare the results between two environments and I would need the method with @Test to return some value (Method should be void) and then assert. Please advise.


  • The easiest solution I can think of would be to not have testBeginOper() be annotated with @Test at all but just be a standard, non-test, value returning, parameter accepting function. Then you have one @Test annotated function which runs your various versions of testBeginOper(), collects the results and then compares them. It could look something like this:

    private Map<String, Integer> testBeginOper(String environment, String case) {
        // do your actual tests using the given parameters "environment" and "case"
    public void runTests() {
        List<Map<String, Integer>> results = new ArrayList<>();
        for(String environment : environments) {
            for(String case : cases) {
                results.add(testBeginOper(environment, case));
        // now compare your results

    There are alternatives of course, one being to write your own TestRunner, but this is probably by far the easiest solution.