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Samba - mount - user permission

I am having trouble allowing regular user access samba mount. I can access the mount point as a root, but regular user gets "permission denied" error.

  • Server is running on android CM10.1.3, Samba v3.0.20a (Samba Fileshearing app, build: 140525)
  • Client is running Fedora 20, Samba client v4.1.6

Here is the mount command:

sudo mount -t cifs -o credentials=/home/david/.sambacredentials,sec=ntlm,uid=david,gid=david,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 // Documents/

Here is the error:

$ ls Documents/
ls: cannot open directory Documents/: Permission denied

And here are the mount directory permissions:

d---rwxr-x. 14 filip filip    0 Jun 26 15:30 Documents/

EDIT: smb.conf

interfaces = wlan0
bind interfaces only = yes
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Samba on Android
netbios name = FILIPSMB
remote announce =
encrypt passwords = yes
security = USER
restrict anonymous = 1
load printers = no
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = yes
deadtime = 5
delete readonly = yes
nt acl support = no
inherit permissions = yes
socket options = SO_SNDBUF=16384 SO_RCVBUF=16384
local master = no
unix extensions = yes

vfs objects = fake_perms
comment = Android /storage/sdcard0
path = /storage/sdcard0
force user = root
read only = no
writable = yes
guest ok = no


  • You need to create a common group that contains filip and david. E.g, as root:

    group add smbusers
    groupmod -A david smbusers
    groupmod -A filip smbusers
    chown filip:smbusers /path/to/Documents

    The documents group should be:

    d---rwxr-x. 14 filip smbusers    0 Jun 26 15:30 Documents/

    I do NOT recommend permissions of 0075 for Documents, so why not

    chmod 0775 /path/to/Documents

    The documents group will now be:

    drwxrwxr-x. 14 filip smbusers    0 Jun 26 15:30 Documents/

    Now try reconnecting as user. (you can also add a list of valid users for the share in smb.conf, but for now, let's get the directory and groups in a sane configuration.)

    You must also have Documents be a valid samba share (sorry, I presumed you had already done this). In smb.conf, create a Documents share (the name can be anything you like). It will look similar to this based on your previous posting)

            comment = Documents Share
            path = /full/path/to/Documents
            valid users = smbusers # the group you created holding david & filip
            browseable = Yes
            writeable = Yes

    After editing smb.conf, run testparm which will check for errors and provide a dump of your shares. Then restart samba (both smb and nmb daemons). Confirm that david has access to the Documents share with:

    smbclient -Udavid -Llocalhost

    Then try to reconnect to Documents. (if you experience any problems with the smbclient command, then substitute your actual hostname for localhost. (that will indicate a failure in wins resolution, to correct, add the following to the global section of smb.conf:

     name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast