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Run MySQL queries on different databases

We have a system where we have for each division a database , currently we have 20+ divisions.

So when we have to update / delete / alter / new table we have to go threw all of those database and run the queries .

Sometime people don't follow procedures (always ?) and we end up having structures that aren't updated .

I was looking into a way to lunch the same queries on all database without having to use bash or external scripts .

So here is some of the stuff that i found :

CALL FOR EACH("SELECT databases WHERE `DATABASE` LIKE 'division_%'" , ${1});

where i could enter a query in the ${1}

or this (less dynamic):

call $('{a, b}'   , 'ALTER TABLE division_${1}.caching ADD COLUMN notes VARCHAR(4096) CHARSET utf8'');

But this gives me "No database Selected"

Any idea on how to proceed with this situation ?


  • This is a solution i found and it works :

    USE division_global;
    CREATE PROCEDURE `MultipleSchemaQuery`()
        declare scName varchar(250);
        declare q varchar(2000);
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ResultSet;
        create temporary table ResultSet (
         option_value varchar(200)
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MySchemaNames;
        create temporary table MySchemaNames (
            schemaName varchar(250)
        insert into MySchemaNames
        SELECT distinct
            TABLE_SCHEMA as SchemaName
             TABLE_SCHEMA LIKE 'division_%';
            set scName = (select schemaName from MySchemaNames limit 1);
            // The Query
            set @q = concat('TRUNCATE TABLE ', scName, '.caching');
            PREPARE stmt1 FROM @q;
            EXECUTE stmt1;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;
            delete from MySchemaNames where schemaName = scName;
            IF ((select count(*) from MySchemaNames) > 0) THEN
                ITERATE label1;
            END IF;
            LEAVE label1;
        END LOOP label1;
        SELECT * FROM ResultSet;
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MySchemaNames;
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ResultSet;

    Inspired by this :

    Querying multiple databases at once