I'm using the money-rails gem for currencies. I have two models: a User and a Goals model. The User model has a :currency
field, which money-rails uses to set the currency for the user. The Goals model also has a :currency
field. As it stands now, when a User creates a new goal, the controller sets the currency for that goal to the same value as that which is stored in the User model.
As follows:
if @goal.save
@goal.update_attribute(:currency, current_user.currency)
redirect_to goals_path, notice: "Goal created!"
render '/goals/new'
However, if the user then goes back and changes their currency by editing the User model, this only changes the currency for goals that get created thereafter. How do I set it so that when the user changes their currency, it changes the currency used in all models?
Thank you in advance!
One way to do it is to use an after_save callback in the User model to cascade the change to all the user's goals:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :goals
after_save :cascade_currency_changes
def cascade_currency_changes
if currency_changed?
goals.update_all currency: currency