We have written a webservice provider in Java in Lotus Domino. Now we would like to obtain the IP Address of the webservice Consument, but unfortunately this is not easy.
My first try was :
mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
String remoteAddr = "REMOTE_ADDR?" + mc.getProperty("REMOTE_ADDR");
Second try:
String remoteIP = mc.getStrProp(Constants.MC_REMOTE_ADDR);
Not working as well.
So i have tried to get all properties available in the MessageContext
Iterator x = mc.getPropertyNames();
while (x.hasNext()) {
String strX = x.next().toString();
// OutPut of the strX
And the output was:
Well, nothing helpfull.
Has anybody found a working solution?
According to this blog http://www.unimatrix-0.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:messagecontext-im-domino-webservice&catid=35:webservices&Itemid=55 in the old version there were only a few properties, which were distributed from axis.
Thanx a lot for any idea.
note: there might be easier way to get AgentContext, but this works. and as long as it compiles..:-)