If I run:
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true}); //Why is this here?
name: 'APP',
appFolder: 'app',
autoCreateViewport: true,
/*uses: [
controllers: [
I get the following error:
[06:52:09.773] Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Cannot create an
instance of unrecognized alias: writer.json
However, if I uncomment out the 'uses', it works fine. If I switch 'uses' for 'requires' I get the same error as above.
I feel like I shouldn't need that 'uses' but I do. I'm really confused about why I need it. I don't like having magic code.
EDIT: I have views: ['Viewport'] in my controller.
The error you are seeing is not related to the code you posted. Ext is trying to create json writer (because it is configured elsewhere, most likely a model or a store) but the class Ext.data.writer.Json
is not declared in requires:[]
of that file.
Check all your files to find something like:
and require the writer in that class.