Beginner here :)
I am trying to make a Delphi application that requires user input and then adds and subtracts those variables.
I succeeded in creating the application and everything works fine except:
Cannot find the proper way to deal with numbers with decimals.
A,B,C,D,E,F: string; A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1: integer:
I use InputBox to get the user inputs. I store the inputs in string variables. I convert the string variable to integer with A1 := strToint(A); At the end, I want to: A1+B1-C1-D1-E1-F1 End everything works if the input is integer. The problem arises if the user enter a number with decimals.
I have searched all over the place but could not find an answer to my problem.(Or I did not understood)
Anyone can please point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
You are trying to convert a string to a floating point value.
First of all you need to change your Integer
variables to be of type Double
. This will allow you to store values that are not integers.
Secondly you need a different function to perform the conversion. You should use TryStrToFloat
. This attempts to convert from string to floating point. If the conversion succeeds the function returns True
, otherwise it returns False
. For example:
str: string;
value: Double;
if not TryStrToFloat(str, value) then
// handle error in some appropriate way
// do something with value