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Bypassing ValueChangeListener when submiting a form

PrimeFaces 3.5 / Mojarra 2.1.5

Im trying to ignore ValueChangeListener when trying to click on Button and submit the form.Theres a way to do that without having to use immediate=True ?

<p:inputText id="txtMPM2S" value="#{ManagedBean.compPreco.valorDolar_mpm2}"
  requiredMessage="#{bundle.lblMPM2Dolar} : #{bundle.campoObrigatorio}"
  required="false" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)"

    <p:ajax event="keyup" update="txtMPM2RS txtValorLucroTotal txtValorMargemLucroTotal"         
            process="txtMPM2S" ></p:ajax>   

<p:commandButton id="btnSalvar"
                            value="#{ != null ? bundle.btnAlterar : bundle.btnSalvar}"
                            rendered="#{not ManagedBean.actionDelete}" icon="ui-icon-disk"
                            action="#{ManagedBean.salvar()}" ajax="false" 
                            title="#{ != null ? bundle.alterarRegistro : bundle.salvarNovoRegistro}" />


  • I used onclick p:commandButton : return true or false regarding my condition...